About Us


The Potato Certification Association of Nebraska (PCAN) is a non-profit, non-stock corporation which conducts inspection and certification of potatoes, when authorized by the College of Agriculture of the University of Nebraska in pursuant to sections 81-2, 149 to 81-2, 154 (Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska 1943).  The agency was designed to encourage the production of potatoes and other crops for seed purposes in the states of Nebraska and Wyoming.

How We Are Structured

 In 1931 the Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska, under State Law, House Roll 67, designated PCAN as a potato certification agency. Under the law of Nebraska, PCAN was incorporated on June 4, 1951. The Vice Chancellor (with an Advisory Committee), specifies the Standards for Certification, and approves rules and procedures used by the certifying agency. The Advisory Committee is composed of the department heads of Agronomy and Horticulture, Entomology, and Plant Pathology with the Associate Dean of Agriculture Research serving as chairperson.

The Executive Council of PCAN is responsible for financing and administering the regulations and for establishing proper conduct of potato seed certification in the states of Nebraska and Wyoming. The Executive Council consists of four active members who are elected at the Association’s Annual meeting. The manager of PCAN also sits on the Executive Council and serves as the Council’s secretary. A full-time staff, consisting of a Manager and Assistant Manager, is overseen by the Executive Council to conduct day-to-day operations for the agency. These duties include, but are not limited to: field inspections, bin inspections, shipping point inspections, laboratory activities, post-harvest winter tests, representing the agency at professional meetings and promoting Nebraska-raised seed potatoes. The manager and assistant manager of PCAN also provide leadership and assistance to seasonal and part time staff. The structure of Nebraska Potato Certification is detailed in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Nebraska Potato Certification structure

Nebraska Potato Development Division

The Potato Certification Association of Nebraska maintains a working relationship with the Nebraska Potato Development Committee to help growers improve the quality of Nebraska potatoes.