Acreage Reports
- Application for certification and acreage reports for certified seed potatoes should be submitted by June 15 OR 30 days after planting of an individual lot.
- Late applications received after July 1 will be accompanied by a cash penalty of $10.00 per acre UNLESS notified that planting is not yet complete.
- No applications will be accepted after July 15.
- No inspections will be performed on individual lots until appropriate paperwork has been submitted.
Post-Harvest Samples
- Post-Harvest samples are due no later than October 15.
Storage Maps
- Reports giving location of potatoes in storage (storage/bin maps) shall be due no later than November 1.
- Late applications received in the office after November 15 will be accompanied by a cash penalty of 2 centers per gross cwt.
- No applications will be accepted after January 1.
General Payment of Fees
- Payment of fees for certification services shall be due the tenth of the month following services.
- Certification services will cease 45 days from the date of billing if no payment is received.